Monday, April 14, 2008

I GET to do this (I don't HAVE to do this)

When I was still in high school I became fascinated with Billy Cobham. Billy is a jazz drum set player with some of the fastest hands in the world. He is a composer and performer and is famous around the world. almost 25 years after I first heard him play (on a vinyl album!) I finally was able to see him perform live just a few nights ago.

The show started at 8:00PM sharp and Billy and his quartet of a band played for the next 80 minutes without stopping to take a breath. As I watched him sweating and working I had this perfectly reasonable thought.
"At 10:00PM he HAS to do this all over again for the late show.
As the performance progressed and I saw and felt the joy that Bill and his band had in their work, I changed my thought. I realized that he didn't HAVE to do it again, he GOT to do it again.

Imagine a job, where every time you do it, you are in moment; and every moment you are not doing it you look forward to the next time! I realized that this was the perfect example for starting this blog.
Success in life is having the life you want. Nothing more and nothing less.

If your life doesn't reflect your passion yet, that's OK. Today is the perfect day to start figuring out what your passion is. We can all be lucky enough to GET to live our lives, rather than being forced to HAVE to live our lives.

It starts with the simple question. What do you want to GET to do?

Welcome to my blog - I Couldn't Be Better

After many years of contemplating the world of blogs, I have decided to get to work.

My name is Dan Walter. I was born in 1965 and love my life. I have worked in many fields including retail sales, massage therapy, project management and stock administration and compensation and management consulting. By far, my most rewarding position was teaching kids in a secular, non-profit organization. This lead me to realize the joy I have in helping others accomplish their goals.

I have since used this understanding to work with many people over the past couple of decades. My motivating factor is potential. My own and that of the people I work with. Much of this site is focused on developing the skills of individuals in the pre- through post-college stages of their lives. Even if college was many years ago, you may still find some useful information here.

I have been lucky enough to have had amazing mentors over the years. Many of them had no idea they were serving that role and, in fact, in many cases I didn't realize it until years later. I hope to use this blog to begin passing on the lessons I have learned on how to succeed, in life and work, in a world that often seems like it is working against you.

Come back frequently or bookmark this site to be alerted when updates take place. Share your ideas and thoughts to help make this a living site.

All the best,

Dan Walter