- Play to control the game
- Learn the rules
- Devise a strategy
- Get a coach
- Train and Practice
- Play Hard to Win
Ask any of the great defensive teams of all time and they will tell you the same thing. Their goal was not just to slow down, pursue or get in the way of the success of the other team, their goal was to CONTROL the game. They felt like they owned the ball even when it was in the other team’s hands. It is often said that “defense wins championships.” Face it, OFFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS, especially when it’s played 100% of the game. If you are always playing offense, then the rest of the world must always be playing defense. This is true whether you are playing a sport, working in an office or just living your life. The best a defense can do is guarantee a tie. Even worse Defense’s greatest goal is to make sure that NO ONE wins! Life is a game that is all about winning. Whether it be small skirmishes with yourself or big battles against a foe, Offense is the only way to win.
How many times has playing the “waiting game” worked well for you? How many times have you gotten what you wanted by not telling anyone you wanted it? Don’t let things fester and grow worse, play offense.
In the end, you control your life or it will continue to control you. You need to constantly be asking yourself why did that happen to me, or why did I get what I wanted? Be honest about the answer. The answers to these questions will give you the patterns to you DEFENSIVE TENDENCIES (WRITE IT DOWN). Once you know these you can crate offensive strategies to attack yourself and win the next time the same event occurs again, because it will
Get off your butt and take some chances in life. Actually, not “in life”, but “in your life”. It’s your life and you can either own it, PLAY OFFENSE and reap the rewards, or you can play defense and see someone else win.
Life really is a game. Always play offense and you will always have a chance to win.